Wednesday 25 November 2015

mood boards

mood boards 

I looked at these different robots which have one common attribute. They all show robots which contains an artificial intelligence and think for themselves. I could use an AI based robot in my design.

In these two mood boards I looked at many different robots from a lot of different art styles. From cute to scary and harmless to very deadly, it just shows how robots can go from one end to the other and that there are many different possibilities.
 This mood board is made up of a lot of robots based in defence such as guards and security bots built for defending. I could use this when designing my robot as a more keeping control or defence.
 I loved many of the colours in some of the colours in this mood board bright and some dark this allows me to think is my robot going  be dark or light in the sense of good and evil.
I looked at more humanoid based robots in this mood board I know its recommended in the project to steer away from it if I can. its still good research I can use and represents different robots from games to TV to movies.

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