Thursday 24 March 2016


This is my blog feedback where I have been given good feedback on my work and my blog so far and how I can improve I still have a lot to do to make this blog the best it can be but I am very confident it can be done. A lot of my work now is very digital based and there is still little bits of physical work I still need to do.      

Wednesday 23 March 2016


This is my first Maya experiment I have done I used very simple block and shapes to make this sword but I have realised how easy it is to create something of this manner. It is a very messy model and I could do a lot more to improve on it but for a first try on making a sword its okay this has also informed me that making the sword will be a easy process but long and the main time will be texturing.


These are my final sketches this is where I have have finally decided on my design which I will colour and model in 3d and Photoshop it. I've decided to go with the sheath powered blade giving some context to having a sheath I also have come up with all the patterns and décor I will now sketch out my final piece that I will use when modelling. I have taken the entire blade apart and gone in detail so it will allow me to model it properly.    

Tuesday 22 March 2016


 I have looked at how to create texture maps this has been very useful and will really help when making textures for my model the process its really simple. you start off drawing the pattern or engraving into the layer make sure its only in black and white and then merge all the layers to one then you go to the filter and then 3d and then you will generate a normal map creating map you want This process is a lot simpler than modelling the décor or engraving and is less time consuming.    

Monday 21 March 2016


While designing the blade I was given some ideas on how I can design and craft with a theme such as he suggested either vines or stalks of a plant being on the handle and around the sheath as a decoration and could be used practically so while sketching a couple concepts I have decided to look at some reference images to help give me ideas.      

Thursday 17 March 2016


These are my developed sketches I took the designs I really liked from my initial sketches I went with the katana design with this project I felt like a claymore could be more simpler in the modelling phase of this process but with the katana they are mostly used in fantasy as having special abilities or supernatural traits and that is what the theme of my blade is. I have selected one design that I will now take and finalise and sketch out.    

Tuesday 15 March 2016


This is my feedback sheet where we would walk around the classroom and mark a good point and a constructive point and we would do this to ten people so we would all get 10 opinions on the work from that I have wrote up what I need to improve on. It also allows me to see what people like about my work.  

Wednesday 9 March 2016


After completing this sketch I was then informed about how in concept art you will be asked to design a certain item such as a character an asset or an environment if I was to come to them with something else which is not what they asked I would be turned away. The student who informed of this was conner Byrne I then took his advice and chopped down the image to the blade itself to show that I learned that in the future to focus only on the blade itself. This has been very useful advice for further on in the project and in the industry.      

Tuesday 8 March 2016


This is a sword experiment I have done I copied and drew out.It is tier harribal sword from bleach it has helped me look at what a different sheath would be like for an oddly designed blade even though a small sword in design its unique way of looking is what inspired me to draw this. I will be drawing more of these experimental swords further in the project allowing me to develop my drawing skills and explore unique looking swords.


This is the back-story for my sword its a quick little write up just something to draw out the blades context and how it works in its set universe and it shows how it may be designed and different aspects of the sword. I will use this while sketching and designing my developed and final sketches  

Monday 7 March 2016


 These are my real life examples of swords the samurai swords are my tutors Chris and will be very useful due to the blades being very decorative and are giving me clear indicators at what I should be looking at when designing patterns and textures and details. The dagger is my own I really like the the engravings in the blade itself and this gives me influence when doing my own creation to think about maybe engraving it and implementing that into my swords back-story.  

Friday 4 March 2016


These are my silhouettes that I did i am quite bad at drawing long and straight so they didn't turn out as good as they should really have done but then my tutor recommend the pen tool to help add the sharpness and detail it is very useful but I am still a bit rusty this will be interesting further down the project when doing my final Photoshop piece.  


 This is my timeline it is really basic right now due to it been just the start of the project and I know a lot about what I want to do at the start that is why it is full of things I need to accomplish.This is a piece of work which will be constantly updated throughout the project.


I am going to create my final piece as in my sword with the sheath on allowing me to be more creative with the entire blade and have fun with some of its kinks such as if it has special abilities or is magical. It was recommended at my first critique to do this research and it has been very helpful.  

Thursday 3 March 2016


This is my first group critique and it really helped with what I need to do next with my research and how I can develop what I do. I did add research that my partners suggested to show that I have looked at the things they recommended me to look at.

Wednesday 2 March 2016


This is my artist interpretation I took crows blade from rwby and I interpreted it with my own design and spin on it. I used lots of colour due to the show been very colourful and design been very mad. The weapons in rwby are all guns so I merged a gun into my design so it would fit in with the theme of the universe the artist has created. this will help when it comes to designing my own sword since some of the initial sketches I have done for my sword are very mechanical and wired in certain areas.   

This is another artist interpretation I have done where I looked at the art of Warhammer the special thing about the art of Warhammer is that it is created by a group of artists with very identical style the most note worthy artist is john blanche . I have used the way that he paints his images and I have taken on the way he uses multiple colours. I will use this style when doing some experiments for my sword.      

Tuesday 1 March 2016


 I researched into the two swords that I really wanted to do the claymore and the katana but I knew in the end I needed to pick one I chose the katana of course as I knew I would enjoy creating it a lot more.