Tuesday 26 April 2016


 I first started off using my Photoshop piece and imported that into Maya to help with the width and length of the blade.I started out with a simple block and stretched it out getting it accurate to the reference I had and I modelled the the grips around the sheath as well.
 I then added the circler rims to the sword that would encase the vines that I will texture in later down the progress and then added the box that goes underneath the sheath that will hold the cable that charges the sword.
 I then started building the handle to the sword after completing the sheath it was quite simple to model all I really needed to do was do a bit with the vertex faces to complete the cross-guard of the handle.
This is me modelling the grip and starting the pommel was quite simple modelled a quick cylinder and then another cylinder but squashed to start the pommel of the blade.  

This is just a completed pommel I removed the image after this since there was not much need in having it since most of the very accurate modelling has being done and there are not many more things I need to do to it.  
Now I had to do the cable for the sword the way I did this was learn about ep curve tool  where in which you create a line and through a couple other steps you can duplicate an object as many times as you want in which is what I did with a sphere to create the cable of the sword. 
This is the model after completing the cable I knew I was going to edit the cable because it didn't feel right when I did curve tool like it was a little bit jaggy in some areas. I will clear them up when finishing off ever little detail.
This is the model complete I added quick little features that where not there before like adding the the small cable that connects the the cable from the sheath into its slot and cleared up the cable to best I could without completely ruining it. it is now ready for texturing and colour which will be the main task now my model is done.  

Friday 22 April 2016


This is the feedback sheet on the course and how the different things we have done this year throughout the project I explained what I liked and what I disliked with the changes and we did.

Sunday 17 April 2016


This is my first colouring of my blade in Photoshop using the colours I found while looking at different sources. I only used 3 different colours from the palette I came up with and I really like this colour for the blade the way it blends red and yellow as the different coloured flames red to golden and the Gray as the smoke.I asked another peer for there feelings on it they felt it was nice and simple also clean.
 This is my second experiment where I looked at the style of John Blanche the warhammer artist. 
 I took the colours from one of his pieces which I have done an artist interpretation of and used his style on my sword. I tried to go with a dark dirty style while trying out the experiment. it fits the very worn and military feel to it. 

Friday 15 April 2016


This is a small colour pallet I created to help with aiding me when colouring my Photoshop sword and my model. I was going for a fire forest theme with the colour scheme for my sword due to the blade been made up of complete flames but it also has a forest theme to it explaining the roots around its handle the root of the flame in a lot of sense. I will take the colours I have extracted from the source images I found and use them when colouring my model and art piece.      

Thursday 14 April 2016


This is my developed sword sketch I created this by using the pen tool in Maya it gives me sharper edges and make it ten times more clearer and was a lot easier to create. I will be using the pen tools a lot more in Maya when creating pieces even though I can use the pen tool I still need to learn how to free hand draw since I cannot constantly keep using this tool because I would not be able to get off of using it. I made a sheathed and unsheathed version so it can give me clear visuals when modelling the sword.

Tuesday 12 April 2016


This is my first Photoshop piece for my sword I drew this out free hand with the pen and tablet this shows that when I draw with free hand on Photoshop it is very messy my scale of the item was way off when drawing I was not looking at the sheath while drawing out the sword. this is a mistake I must change next time round while drawing it out. Next time I will use a tool to help with drawing out my blade to make it cleaner and sharper.