Tuesday 2 February 2016

2D evaluation

2d evaluation

The theme of the project was to make a mechanical robot which we would model and animate using Maya and after that texture. To find ideas for my project I looked at different robots from movies and games I even looked at robots from real life such as the robot arms that make cars. I then made a mind map to allow me to develop a lot more ideas that I would use in the future. To refine some of my initial sketches I kept drawing the same idea each time changing little things over and over to refine it and when I was done I would then pick the one I liked and then use that. What really spawned an idea is that I wanted something very creepy and would strike fear when  people saw my robot and I decided to use the design of an insect since many people have big fears of many insects. my ideas developed through a very easy step by step I started by coming up with some silhouettes and then from those silhouettes I did about 20 initial sketches and from them i started thinking about what I could really do for my developed sketches. I then on Photoshop started drawing random forms of one of my ideas I really liked. I then take the different forms and start drawing them up as orthographic images therefore I then started to put more detail into my developed pieces of my robot soon after I put all my pieces that I had drawn into my final piece which was my mechanic centipede. I believe my final piece was successful cause it aloud me to look at my process throughout the development stage and it also created a very clear guide on how easy it would be to model in Maya. If I had to take any skills from this little process I did I would use in future projects are silhouettes they were very useful and will defiantly use them in future projects.            

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