Tuesday 2 February 2016

3D evaluation

3D evaluation 

To make my 3D model I used the 3D software Maya and I used a lot of different tools when creating my model in Maya. I found that using my development sketches in Maya was very useful allowing me to make all my pieces for my model to scale and being able to know how big it would be when it was completed. I found some of the tools on Maya to be very helpful such as the group and duplicate tool and where the best to work with.The reason I really thought the duplicate and the group tool where the best. I used the duplicate tool so much due to my model being a very repetitive design which isn't bad just nice and simple to work with I would use it to duplicate one piece multiple times thats where the group tool came into play I wouldn't be able to move the legs of my model without them breaking apart but using the group tool allows me to move the entire leg at once, This let me put it onto the shoulders of the body of the centipede. I started my process of making it by adding my sketches to Maya helping me build my pieces I started with the head because I knew that would be the only part of my model that I would not duplicate I then made one piece of each body part leg' tubes and chest piece and then I duplicated many of them and started constructing it to make my full on 3D model. I needed to have a basic understanding of Maya and how to duplicate and use a lot of editing skills such as been able to edit and extrude the shapes. My problems when starting my Maya model was my Maya skills itself I am not very good at Maya it is very confusing for me to use all the different tiles with all the different tools and key commands. The way I solved these problems was from having classmates and my tutor help with my model and show me multiple ways of been able to learn how to u use basic tools in Maya.          

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